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Tag: infertility

3 Healthier Alternatives to Your Morning Coffee

It’s the start of the week and we KNOW how much you’re probably hankering for a fix of your first dose of caffeine. This week we decided to hook you up with a little more information about your everyday addiction! What is Caffeine? Caffeine is a Central Nervous System Stimulant and the world’s most widely […]

Do You Work The ‘Infertility Shift?’

If you work the night shift research shows you may have a much harder time getting pregnant. Findings show that night shift workers have irregular menstrual cycles that can cause problems with conception. The Circadian Rhythm Our bodies are run by an internal clock called the circadian rhythm. Regular patterns of light and dark help […]

Man’s Broke Init…

Broke Adjective: non-functional, in need of repair.  Rural usage, derived from past participle and/or the past tense of verb to break. Usually used to refer to previously functioning machines which no longer work correctly. I was actually inspired to write this post when I was writing something else. I say this allllll the time when […]

Causes & Symptoms of Endometriosis

Although the exact cause of endometriosis is unknown there are a number of factors which are believed to influence the development of the disease: Heredity.  Although there is no identifiable gene which passes endo from mother to child you chance of developing endometriosis is seven times higher if your mother or sisters have it. Immune […]

Thankful For Friendship

International Day of Friendship Today marks the United Nations International Day of Friendship so I wanted to take some time to say thank you for someone I cherish. I say thank you a lot, more so as I get older. I think it’s important to remember small acts of grace and kindness especially when it […]

Ain’t I A Womban?

Last week  our founder Saschan was invited to sit down and have the ultimate Girl talk with the wonderful ladies over at Melanin Millenials. We talked about everything from cervical mucus to contraceptives. If you haven’t already it’s definitely worth give it a listen on your way to work, from work or just when you’ve […]

You Can Always Adopt

I can’t tell you the countless number of times I’ve heard this statement pass through the lips of another person in response to conversations about my fecundity. I feel incapable of fully expressing the sheer frustration I feel every time I hear this from someone. As a 25 year old woman with several intersecting reproductive […]

A Million Cats

Hey love bugs! Welcome back to your weekly instalment of self love practices. This Sunday we’re talking furry, fluffy, bald and beautiful and no it’s not your vagina! We’re talking about cats! In case you didn’t already know I love cats. Cats are funny, clumsy, sneaky, loving, scheming, hungry, sleepy, playful, just all round wonderfully […]

A Time To Spa

This weekend I visited a spa and had a full body aromatherapy massage. First of all I would like to say it was absolutely amazing!!! and i would recommend anyone to go and have one especially if you are feeling stressed out and need to relax. A Lesson Learnt The moral of this story is […]

Love & Psychics

In December’s Lessons From My Life post I wrote about beauty and good vibrations and over the past few days it has led me to think about love and what it means to be a couple and how we define a  “power couple”. A Man Named Paul I recently visited a “psychic”, and I use the […]

9 Benefits of Hugging for Health & Fertility

Hugs! We all have those days when we just want to crawl into the arms of someone who smells nice, feels warm and radiates positivity especially when that inflammation kicks in or our hormones are flying around. We’re not sure hugging was listed in sex education lessons (if you were lucky enough to get any […]

Making Space For Growth

Your reproductive journey can often feel arduous and long. those duvet days when inflammation hits or a fluid filled cyst ruptures can emotionally and mentally set you back. When you’re several months into just trying to manage your day to day existence, when even getting out of bed in the morning is a challenge it […]