5 Fertility Friendly Tips To Welcome in the New Year!

Saschan Fearon  |  31st Dec 2016

It’s New Years Eve! It’s finally time to put an end the the drama and excitement of 2016 so we can make room for all of the wonderful (hopefully inflammation free) experiences ready and waiting for us in 2017!

We’ve put together you fertility friendly guide to seeing the New Year in in style!

We can’t stop you drinking your weight in prosecco but we can help you keep your reproductive health in check while you enjoy what’s left of this year’s festivities.

Stay Hydrated!

It sounds simple right? Yet when the drinks are flowing and we’re lost in an emotional moment at the crescendo of Auld-Lang Syne it can be easy to forget to keep the water flowing as well as the prosecco. Water is the ultimate hangover cure, it help to keep your reproductive health symptoms such as retention at bay when consumed regularly and helps to keep the skin glowing, removing toxic build up and flushing chemicals out of the body.

Tip! Before heading out try to drink 3-4 glasses of water as you’re getting ready. This will help to hydrate your body throughout the day!

Take Time

Sometimes in the flurry of the moment we get a little excited… we’ve all been there, 1 drink turns into 5 as our friends ply us with more rounds than we have hands and mouths to manage! It’s always best to pace yourself, again not rocket science but most of us have probably felt the effects of a hangover after 1 drink too many. You’ve got an evening of celebrating to get through… let’s do it in style!

Eat Up!

Already planning what wonderful treats you’ll have the liberty of consuming on the night bus home? I can almost taste the chips and garlic mayo calling me now. The traditional kebab and chips on the way home to soak up the drunken joy is pretty much a staple of the British night out but it might not be the most fertility friendly. By all means get your snack on! but perhaps consider swapping your kebab for some chips, pitta and salad or  veggie burger?  Try to limit your bodies exposure to toxins and excess fats often found in heavily processed foods such as kebab meat.

Tip! Why not make prepare some comfort food before you head out so when you get home you can tuck in…save money and reduce inflammation!

Flats Are Friends

Heels or Flats? The age old question most women face before a night out. It’s New Years Eve so heels are likely to be on the menu for most of us but if you suffer with lower region pelvic pain, hip or joint pain then wearing heels can be a nightmare. It can be difficult to stand up in heels at the best of times but when you’re fighting inflammation and pelvic pain it can be the last thing you need. We recommend packing flats, if you can manage to pick up some roll up flats (we found some in a pound shop) then slot them in your purse!

Tip! No joy or no room for a pair of flats in your bag? No Problem! You can pack a pair of winter boot socks in your handbag. Small, effective and you’re aching feet need never touch the grimy pavements of the city street.

Pack A Punch

Prepare yourself for the night ahead by making sure to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals, prepare a fertility friendly smoothie or fruit and vegetable juice in the morning and set some aside for the next day so you can get a quick fruit boost the morning after the night before!

New Year’s Eve is ultimately a time for celebration, to welcome in a new year of growth, love and wellness. We want you to enjoy the evening in style!
