
Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle
In this video for Tribe’s Tool Box Saschan explains How you can better understand your menstrual cycle. The Oxford English Dictionary defines Menstruation as: The process in a woman of discharging blood and other material from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until the menopause, except during […]

Living With Endo
In this interview with the Vulnerable Podcast Saschan discusses what it is like to live with endometriosis and the impact it has had on her relationships. She explores the way women are marginalised in the work place when taking time off and reflects upon her own experiences of losing her job whilst recovering from excision […]

Saschan Talks to Moody Month
Our founder Saschan Fearon-Josephs sat down with the wonderful team over at Moody Month to discuss what led her to setting up The Womb Room and how a lack of support in managing your reproductive health impacts your life. Saschan was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2014 following a previous surgery to remove a life threatening […]

Man’s Broke Init…
Broke Adjective: non-functional, in need of repair. Rural usage, derived from past participle and/or the past tense of verb to break. Usually used to refer to previously functioning machines which no longer work correctly. I was actually inspired to write this post when I was writing something else. I say this allllll the time when […]

Thankful For Friendship
International Day of Friendship Today marks the United Nations International Day of Friendship so I wanted to take some time to say thank you for someone I cherish. I say thank you a lot, more so as I get older. I think it’s important to remember small acts of grace and kindness especially when it […]

Discovery of the Clitoris
It’s Thursday! (Yay) So we thought we’d bring you that pre-weekend pick me up so here’s a little video about how men have repeatedly discovered and rediscovered your clitoris because you know… they have to take credit for everything (petty side eye). Created by Canadian screenwriter and animation director Lori Malépart-Traversy, The Clitoris: What it […]

Love & Endo
Love is ancient, it transcends all common ties and boundaries. It is a beautiful state of flux. It is truly the most vintage emotion. Love is one of the first emotions we learn to embrace and reciprocate. We guard it fiercely but even those of us who keep it under lock and key desire to […]

Love & Psychics
In December’s Lessons From My Life post I wrote about beauty and good vibrations and over the past few days it has led me to think about love and what it means to be a couple and how we define a “power couple”. A Man Named Paul I recently visited a “psychic”, and I use the […]

9 Benefits of Hugging for Health & Fertility
Hugs! We all have those days when we just want to crawl into the arms of someone who smells nice, feels warm and radiates positivity especially when that inflammation kicks in or our hormones are flying around. We’re not sure hugging was listed in sex education lessons (if you were lucky enough to get any […]

Thankful For Good Friendships
Discovery Today is International Thank You Day. What better time is there to be thankful for good friendships! Secondary School was a time of discovery. Adolescence is always filled with hormones, friendship and testing boundaries. Its the time we get to in life where we think we’re grown and years later we look back thankful for […]

Making Space For Growth
Your reproductive journey can often feel arduous and long. those duvet days when inflammation hits or a fluid filled cyst ruptures can emotionally and mentally set you back. When you’re several months into just trying to manage your day to day existence, when even getting out of bed in the morning is a challenge it […]