
Check out what is happening at The Womb Room. Here you'll find everything from upcoming events to our recent ramblings on reproductive well-being.

Recent Ramblings

Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

Understanding Your Menstrual Cycle

In this video for Tribe’s Tool Box Saschan explains How you can better understand your…
Saschan Fearon | 7th Apr 2019
Living With Endo

Living With Endo

In this interview with the Vulnerable Podcast Saschan discusses what it is like to live…
Saschan Fearon | 4th Apr 2019
Saschan Talks to Moody Month

Saschan Talks to Moody Month

Our founder Saschan Fearon-Josephs sat down with the wonderful team over at Moody Month to…
Saschan Fearon | 2nd Apr 2019
Man’s Broke Init…

Man’s Broke Init…

Broke Adjective: non-functional, in need of repair.  Rural usage, derived from past participle…
Saschan Fearon | 31st Mar 2019
Ain’t I A Womban?

Ain’t I A Womban?

Last week  our founder Saschan was invited to sit down and have the ultimate Girl…
Saschan Fearon | 27th Jun 2017


Saschan Fearon | 28th Oct 2020

Upcoming Events


GREAT WORK! Thank you so much for providing us with a safe space to learn, educate & encourage! There is nothing else like it for us. We are ignorant about our bodies

- Tanya

Bringing people together to talk about issues that are seen as taboo/ stigmatised in a safe environment. I thought the event was insightful and I loved the diversity of women in the room

- Krystal

This is important work because so many of us deal with things and feel alone. This is a good space to highlight reproductive issues and produce solutions

- Renée- Founder of Out The Box

I was at the last event (which I think was fab) and this time I’m really glad that there was a DR on the panel because I’ve learnt so much about my own reproductive health from Dr Lola’s input

- Krystal

Women need more spaces like this to speak openly about their reproductive health

- Horcelie Sinda- HIV/AIDS Campaigner

No other spaces similar that recognise the importance of reproductive health education and the importance of its intersection with other areas of our lives

- Mairi

These events educate us on knowing more about the unknown factors of womanhood and reproductive health

- Cheyenne Saby- Founder of Let's Talk Gynae

The work you did at my company has really improved my work life balance. I have MS and although it's not a reproductive health issue the policy and strategy changes you encouraged my company to implement have positively impacted my relationship with my work and my team as well.

- James

My wife has endo and I see how much she has struggled over the years so to see conversations and actionable steps being explored to support not just her but other people who have hidden illnesses has been amazing. More companies should be doing this work

- Chris

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