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Tag: Lessons from my life

Man’s Broke Init…

Broke Adjective: non-functional, in need of repair.  Rural usage, derived from past participle and/or the past tense of verb to break. Usually used to refer to previously functioning machines which no longer work correctly. I was actually inspired to write this post when I was writing something else. I say this allllll the time when […]

Let It Burn…But Not Like Usher

The things I want the most out of life are outside of my control. I really believe that when you live your life staunchly following your purpose everything will fall into place around you. It’s as if the universe is just waiting to cradle you in it’s arms . To envelop you in peace and […]

You Can Always Adopt

I can’t tell you the countless number of times I’ve heard this statement pass through the lips of another person in response to conversations about my fecundity. I feel incapable of fully expressing the sheer frustration I feel every time I hear this from someone. As a 25 year old woman with several intersecting reproductive […]

It’s All Fun & Games Until You Get Sick

1 week into my recovery from surgery and I caught a chest infection. My throat felt grainy and dry and hurt to cough not just in my abdominal area around the incision area but in my throat, it felt fiery and coarse, reminiscent of when you first wake up from surgery and the world seems […]

Beauty and Good Vibrations

Hello from The WombRoom HQ! (By HQ I am simply referring to my wonderfully sumptuous king size bed,  which I fully intend to lounge around in all day! Although I will be writing posts, sending emails, arranging meetings and eating cake, oh! and a large amount of cherries!) This week I have been thinking about cherries, their symbolism […]

Are You Ok?

Are you ok? Some days I want to just set these words on fire. To erase them from the vocabulary of everyone around me.  We’re so conditioned to responding with a half-hearted attempt at an upbeat ‘yeah I’m fine’ or ‘I’m OK, I’m good, thanks’. Trying to mask how we’re really feeling deep down inside. […]

Little Egg

Hello Little Egg… Sometimes I want to tell you I love you but you’re not here. Sometimes I want to reach out and hold your hand but I do not know who you are. The way in which I love you scares me at times, the way my heart flutters every time you call me […]

Get Your Sh** Together Saschan

Do you ever look around at the people passing by in the street or sitting across from you at dinner and think everyone seems to have their sh** together?! I do. I know I’m only in my mid twenties and as everyone over 30 keeps telling me… “you’re still a baby, you have your whole […]

Don’t Tell Me To Stay Strong

When you’re living with a debilitating reproductive disease people often tell you that you need to be strong, to stay strong. I hear this often and it’s made me realise that there’s still this inherent link between strength and sadness. The two are not mutually exclusive. I am strong every day. I don’t cease to […]

Living With Loss

Loss is such a peculiar feeling. My mother always tells me that you can’t miss what you’ve never had. You know those generic idioms that people impart upon you as a way of encouraging or chastising you into being grateful for what you have, into being content? Even as child I questioned the legitimacy of […]