Saschan Fearon-Josephs
Founder & Director
Founded in 2011 Saschan created a space for people with reproductive health problems to share information, learn how to manage their conditions and connect with experts. Having successfully supported thousands of women to improve their knowledge, understanding and lives through digital and social channels The Womb Room now wants to change the way people engage with reproductive health and well-being issues at work.
Whilst studying BA (Hons) in Human Geography Saschan underwent emergency surgery to remove my right ovary and fallopian tube. Originally aspiring to be a pilot she founded The Womb Room following her experience which enabled her to identify a space where lack of healthcare provision and workplace support intersected. Saschan published her research into the psycho-social impacts of reproductive health issues on the lives and identities of young women in 2014 and was awarded AAW young female entrepreneur of the year in 2013. She has featured on channel 4, BBC1, BBC woman’s Hour, BBC Radio West Midlands, and previously hosted a segment on New style Radio exploring reproductive wellbeing for and health inequalities for BAME Women.
Saschan is currently part of a working group researching Leadership through Lived Expertise and is studying anatomy and physiology. Saschan’s work has been supported by the RCOG, Unltd, Ernst & Young & Natwest to build a programme to revolutionise working environments for those with reproductive well-being problems and hidden illness.
- AAW Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2013
- 2 x Unltd Award Winner
- Guest Lecturer University College Birmingham
Having sessions delivered by someone with experience of reproductive health problems, such as Saschan has enabled us to learn so much. This training is of the upmost importance to young women.
~ Ebonie Reid-Barlow-Medical Science Student