The Run Down 13.05.2020

Saschan Fearon  |  13th May 2020

The Run Down is your digital care package bringing you a combination of podcasts, videos, events, recipes, research and a few surprises to help you manage your reproductive wellbeing from the bedroom to the boardroom.

Carefully curated by our founder Saschan Fearon Josephs who will be covering everything from endo to PCOS. So whether your periods are too hot, too cold or just right we’ll be delivering you a little pocket of support straight to your inbox.

Have a look below to find out some of the highlights from this week’s digital dose of The Run Down!


The Advisory Group on Contraception (AGC), an expert group of leading clinicians, commissioners and advocacy groups working to highlight the impact of policy reforms and cuts to public health budgets on women’s vital access to contraception. Given the current crisis facing our country, members are especially concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on women’s access to the contraception they need – both now and in the longer-term once the peak of the pandemic has passed.

To help members better understand the experiences and concerns of women looking to access contraception at this time the AGC have put together an online survey through this survey they want to know how services have changed, what the impact has been on women’s access and experiences, and what lessons can be learnt for the future – both in terms of the negatives, but also where services have innovated by necessity.

Find out more

The Week In Tweets

Somewhere around the world a vagina is bleeding and twitter has become the unofficial home of the world’s collective period related frustration from sassy tweets to thorough threads each week we go deep into the twittersphere to uncover the best bleeding tweets.

Head over to our instagram each Wednesday to uncover our faves.

Got some tweets you think need to be shared with the world drop us a DM or tag us on twitter and you might see them in next week’s feature.

week in tweets


Do you know your Luteal Phase from your follicular phase? Find out with Saschan’s menstruation masterclass from Tribe’s Toolbox.

In this video Saschan explains How you can better understand your menstrual cycle.

The Oxford English Dictionary defines Menstruation as: The process in a woman of discharging blood and other material from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until the menopause, except during pregnancy.

It’s important to point out that this definition isn’t inclusive of trans men who may also still have periods because not everyone who has a period identifies as a woman and not all women have periods.

Whether you’ve got a visit from your aunt in the red hills, the Bloody Buddy, You’re on your monthly’s, Riding the cotton Pony or surfing the crimson wave whatever you call it for over half of the population menstruating is almost an inevitability yet 1 in 4 of us still don’t understand our menstrual cycle. Watch below to find out more!

Watch Here


Our founder Saschan sat down with Alyssa Rochelle Host of the Vulnerable Podcast to discuss period policy, losing her job after surgery and the realities of living with endo including the impact it has had on her relationships. She explores the way women are marginalised in the work place when taking time off and reflects upon her own experiences of losing her job whilst recovering from excision surgery.

Listen Here


I want my own little package of support!