It’s definitely starting to feel like summer is on its way so staying hydrated is a priority, eating well and living well is a priority!
🍉Watermelon is 92% water which helps to keep you hydrated.
🍉 Watermelon is also packed with Vitamin C, A, B1, B5 and B6 plus potassium and magnesium.
🍉 A 2015 study also found that watermelon helps to lower inflammation and oxidative damage due to its high lycopene and vitamin C levels.
Inflammation is a prominent symptom of many chronic diseases including endometriosis, adenomyosis and fibromyalgia.
Watermelon may help to reduce inflammation and oxidative damage due to anti-inflammatory antioxidants lycopene and vitamin C.
In an earlier 2007 study into the effects of lycopene and  vitamin C on biological markers for inflammation and oxidative stress participants saw a reduction in markers of inflammation and an increase in antioxidants. Watermelon contains both lycopene and vitamin C which are important contributors alongside a variety of antioxidants needed to optimise protection against chronic diseases.
Watermelon and asparagus, in addition to other raw fruits and vegetables, give the body a rich supply of glutathione, which is important for egg quality
~ Alissa Vitti- Integrative Nutritionist
Egg Quality
Integrative Nutritionist and author Alissa Vitti says “Watermelon and asparagus, in addition to other raw fruits and vegetables, give the body a rich supply of glutathione, which is important for egg quality”. This is supported by a study by the Harvard School of Public Health of nearly 19,000 women which highlighted a higher incidence of ovulatory disorder in those whose diet consisted or more trans fats, carbs, and animal proteins. By increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables high in fibre, vitamin and minerals you can improve your egg quality and lower cholesterol.
Watermelon is 92% water but also contains a small amount of fibre— both of which are important for supporting your digestion. Water helps to maintain fluid movement of foods through your digestive tract to help prevent constipation. Fibre rich fruits such as watermelon help to maintain normal bowel movements. If you’ve got conditions such as endo then maintaining gut health is important especially if you’re prone to getting endo belly.
Looking for a way to add some more fruits and vegetables to your diet? Check out a recipe for some immune boosting juices made with watermelonsÂ