The last 2 weeks have been exceptionally heavy for many of us.
In this volume of The Run Down I’ve compiled a variety of resources which can support you to understand the dynamics of inequalities within health including an essential listening episode of Truth’s Table where author Harriet A Washington discusses the intersection between race and health and the brutal history of modern gynaecology.
If you’re looking for organisations to support during this time check out Decolonising Contraception who are currently conducting research into contraceptive and sexual health access during COVID-19. They are also running weekly events over on their instagram page including meditations and yoga for those in need of rest and recharging.
On Thursday I’ll be checking in with Lola founder of 10FT for an instagram live event.
And if you’re tired of people asking you to educate them in their journey to non performative allyship they can use Educate Yourself to get to grips with the conversation.
I want you to know that it is OK to feel tired, it is essential to take the time you need to step back, decompress and prioritise your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing and find joy in the everyday.
Decolonising Contraception
Decolonising Contraception is a collective of Black & people of colour working in Sexual & reproductive health and advocating for better health equality.
We have received reports that people are struggling to access adequate sexual health & contraceptive services since the ‘lockdown’ on March 2020 in the U.K.
Please fill out the following survey and assist us in better understanding and advocating for your needs.
NOTE : This survey is only for those accessing sexual health and contraception care in the UK.
If you have any questions please email

Race & Health
This week saw the launch Of Race and Health
Discrimination is a fundamental and powerful determinant of health. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, skin colour, caste, religion, Indigeneity or migratory status affects the health of individuals and communities across the world. The goal of Race and Health is to reduce the adverse effects of discrimination that lead to poor health. Race & Health is a collective of academics, artists, activists, policy makers, grassroots organisations and individuals. This will be a hub for investigating how racism and discrimination affects health and interventions to improve health. We are creating a catalyst to achieve equitable health for all.
You can watch their first event here

Educate Yourself
A lot of people have been inundated with request for knowledge, resources and actionable steps “Educate Yourself”, contains information around how to start having important conversations, fighting for an inclusive organisation and eliminating biases. It is a great resource for those looking to get started on understanding the history of racial inequality within a global context.