This month is Lets Talk Baby Month across the UK. So we’ve done a bit of searching and are bringing you the low down on what this fabulous month entails!
Lets Talk Baby Month is an initiative which was established to open up access to information about pregnancy.
There is a special focus on making all information accessible, informative and easy to understand, as trying to conceive can be a difficult time for many people.
Getting Good Information
A few of my friends are having babies this year and I have witnessed the worry, fear and confusion which they experience when faced with contradictory information.
There is so much to consider when trying for a baby or during pregnancy; finances, child safety, breast feeding options, birthing plans, decorating, child care, schooling, the list in endless!
With 1 in 4 pregnancies ending in miscarriage and only a 30% chance of conception each month, it is a miracle that many women conceive.
The baby charity Tommy’s decided to encourage events and supply materials to help educate pregnant women, those aiming to get pregnant, new mums and partners.
The charity not only offer information but also carry out research which has helped uncover links between ibuprofen and miscarriage, and proven that if you take the drug within the first 20 weeks of your pregnancy you are at a higher risk of miscarriage.
The choices that we make not only affect out fertility but for those who are pregnant, the health of your child. Tommy’s aims to help women throughout pregnancy by providing information and support which makes it as easy as possible you can use their five point pregnancy plan to find out what will help you.
You can hold a Lets Talk Baby event to help raise awareness. Tommy’s can supply posters, balloons, leaflets and promotion to get people along to your event. Suggestions include simply distributing Tommy’s information leaflets or providing midwife Q&A sessions.
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